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Hello Gators! As promised in previous emails, we want to share with all members our general Pool Rules and 2021 Operating Protocols. Please take a few minutes to read this email in its entirety as it contains a great deal of information. We will add both documents to our website in the next 1-2 days. 

The Board collectively has spent many hours developing, refining, and debating the COVID-specific protocols, given the many recent changes communicated by the CDC and the State of Delaware, as well as the feedback received from members across our pool community. As mentioned in my March 25 email to members, over the winter, the Board developed Vision and Mission statements as well as its Core Values for the Board in order to guide leadership and decisions. Our mission includes ‘being compassionate, inclusive, and responsive to the needs of our multi-generational community’. Therefore, the Board discussed extensively what would be required to be able to help protect the health and safety of our multi-generational community, while showing compassion and inclusivity to all members. A large part of the discussion was about the places where it is hardest for people to distance and/or is partially enclosed. By a very narrow margin, the Board voted to require all members and guests (kindergarten age and older) whether vaccinated or not, to wear a hands-free cloth face covering in the following areas when we open on Friday, May 28:

  • Pool Entrance/Breezeway

  • Checking in with guards & guard table

  • Bath Houses/Restrooms

  • Snack Bar line

  • Food Truck line


Unvaccinated members, including children ages 2-11, are expected to follow CDC Guidance for Unvaccinated Persons (a link to that CDC guidance is provided within the protocols). 

This decision was not made lightly and not without a great deal of thought and input from all Board members. Similar to last season, the Board, with input from our staff and members, will review the protocols and rules throughout the season and may make adjustments. 

We are excited that this season will operate with additional amenities due to vaccination rates in the state rising. Those include:

  • Food Truck Fridays: Will be available weekly beginning June 11 (with Bucky’s BBQ) through late July, with additional dates on the calendar in August

  • Chairs: Pool provided chairs are available on a first come, first served basis this year (members may continue to bring their own if they so choose)

  • Snack Bar: Gator Grub snack shop will be open this season with prepackaged snacks available for purchase using member’s pool accounts. (Members are encouraged to load at least $10 to their account for use for food or guest passes, given NSC incurs fees for each credit card transaction.) 

  • Fire Pit: Please see the pool managers for rules for use; available on a first come, first served basis (the pool currently has firewood available for use)

  • Poolside Cabanas: We have two new wooden cabanas, which can each accommodate up to 10 people, available for use on a first come, first served basis. Details about reservations coming soon.

  • Swim Team: There will be a competitive swim team season this year - details can be found at the Swim Team website,

  • Swim Lessons: Swim lessons will be offered beginning June 14th - they are offered as weekly session and each youth member is eligible for 1 week of free lessons (additional weeks are available for $15/week per child) - you can sign up through your pool account

  • Adult Fitness: All adult fitness activities (morning lap swim, deep water workout, and aquacize) are available to members - sign up is available through the pool account

  • Recreational Activities: This year, recreational activities available include: cornhole boards, basketball court and net, tetherball, volleyball, and the gaga pit. In addition, thanks to our expanded fence line (completed in 2020), there is plenty of space for kids to play or families to spread out, as they choose.

  • Pop-up Farm Stand: Kranz Hill Farm has expressed interest in setting up a farm stand outside the fence line this summer. Our social chair is working on a schedule with them and more information will be forthcoming.  

  • Social Events: Social events, including Parties Rentals and Raft Nights, are under consideration to restart once the season is underway; inquiries for a potential summer party may be made to our social chair at


We look forward to a great summer with all of our members at the pool. We are excited that for the first time in a number of years, we are operating with a waiting list of prospective new members, as all of our bonds are currently sold out. Not every pool is as fortunate to be in that situation. As we are able, we will offer those prospective families either a temporary summer membership (if a bonded member pays to be inactive for the summer) or a bond, as they are made available (bonds are offered to families in the order that they inquired about joining). 

Should you have questions, please contact me at


Yours in service, 

Christine Mangat


Nottingham Swim Club Operating Rules



  • Pool privileges are granted only to those members whose dues are paid in full

  • Payment of dues or inactive membership fees are required annually prior to the start of the swim season; non-payment without timely formal resignation will lead to seizure of bond and revocation of membership

  • All instructions given by the lifeguard, pool staff, or a member of the board are to be followed - lifeguards and pool staff have authority to revoke pool privileges for a period of time for repeat or flagrant violations of pool rules and policies, including limiting activity of a member that may be endangering the safety of, or disturbing, other guests

  • Repeated disregard of pool policies could result in suspension or loss of membership privileges, as outlined in the pool by-laws

  • Pool hours are posted on the pool website and at the guards’ desk; the pool may close without advance notice, due to weather or other health, safety, or maintenance concerns

  • All members must check in with the guards upon arrival and guests must be registered

  • All persons use the pool at their own risk

  • NSC is not responsible for valuables brought on site

  • Smoking, including the use of e-cigarettes and other vapor-producing devices, is strictly prohibited anywhere on NSC grounds, including by the front entrance and grassy areas

  • Members are expected to clean up after themselves and their guests and dispose of their own garbage before leaving

  • The use of profane, abusive, or otherwise offensive language is not permitted

  • Showers are advised before entering the pool

  • Persons with communicable and infectious diseases, or bandages, are not allowed in the pool

  • Persons who are visibly intoxicated or otherwise impaired may not be allowed to enter the pool and/or may be asked to leave the pool facilities

  • Running on the deck is prohibited

  • All injuries must be reported to a lifeguard immediately

  • Diapered children must wear swim diapers and a swimsuit; ANY diaper leaks must be reported immediately to a guard on duty

  • Conversation with lifeguard on duty is discouraged; conversation with a guard on the stand or watching the pool in another location is not allowed, unless it is to report a safety issue or pool problem

  • Pets are not to be brought on pool property inside the fence line, unless otherwise authorized in advance; any pets brought on property outside of the fence line must be leashed and attended by their owner at all times

  • Members must have at least 1 valid email tied to their NSC account, and it is the responsibility of each member to keep the email current to ensure they receive communications from Nottingham Swim Club

    • Email is the primary form of communication about the pool (including notification of the annual board meeting, elections, membership dues, operating hours, and events)

    • Other forms of communication that may be used are: Facebook, postings in the pool breezeway (during the season), and/or sign posted at entrance

  • If there is a conflict between this rules document and the rules boards located at Nottingham Swim Club, this document will control


Youth Attendance Policy

  • Youth under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult or responsible person 14 years of age or older, and must be under that person’s direct supervision while at the pool

  • Youth 12 years and older who have passed the Deep Water Swim Test may be granted unsupervised use of the pool, at the request of their parents and at the discretion of the pool staff

  • Unsupervised children aged 12 years and older may bring up to 3 guests (age 12 & over) to the pool provided that all guests pass a basic swim test. The number of guests is subject to lifeguard discretion

  • Repeated violation of pool rules or disregard of instruction by pool staff could lead to revocation of the privilege to attend the pool unaccompanied

Main Pool

  • If a guard is not on the stand, nobody is allowed to enter the pool

  • Children must pass a basic swim test to:

    • Be allowed beyond wading depth, including the diving well

    • Use the diving board

  • Children wearing a personal floatation device need to have an adult in the water within arm’s reach

  • One person at a time is allowed on the diving board

  • The previous person must clearthe diving well (meaning, at the ladder and climbing out of the pool) before the next person uses the diving board

  • Diving from the sides of the pool where water is less than 6 feet deep is prohibited

  • Tossing of balls or other items is at lifeguard discretion; balls must be soft/Nerf-like only

  • Only plastic water accessories (i.e. goggles, etc) are allowed in the pool area

  • Rafts and other floats are only allowed on Raft Nights

  • Pushing, dunking, and other horseplay is prohibited

  • It is prohibited to hang, stand, climb, or play on/under the pool stairs, it is for water entry and exits only

  • If the lap lane is up, it is prohibited to play in this area, so that swimmers can do laps if they choose

  • During busy times, Adult Swimmay be called for 15 minutes interval, usuallyat the top of each hour – all children must exit the main pool at that time (they may not use the baby pool, unless under 6 years old AND accompanied by an adult)

  • The pool will close 15 minutes prior to NSC’s closing time


Baby Pool

  • REQUIRED: Any child in the baby pool enclosure must be accompanied by a parent or guardian within the baby pool fence

  • Parents/Guardians are responsible for watching their children in the baby pool area, as this area is not actively monitored by lifeguards

  • Baby pool hours follow main pool hours – if the main pool is not open for general use, then the baby pool is also closed

  • Gate to the baby pool is to remain closed at all times

  • No children over the age 6 permitted in the baby pool

  • Pool toys are provided for member use – please return any toys you use to the basket before exiting the baby pool area

  • Pool toys should be larger than an adult fist


  • No form of food or drink is allowed within four feet of the main pool, in high traffic or wet areas, or in the pool

  • No food is allowed within the baby pool area; no drinks are allowed within 4 feet of the baby pool/water

  • Members and guests choosing to consume alcoholic beverages are asked to do so responsibly, and from a cup or using a koozie to cover labels, provided they are of a legal age to consume

  • The Pool Manager, Lifeguard, or board member can determine that a member or guest is not permitted to swim after consumption of alcohol and may request a member to leave the pool grounds in the event of inappropriate behavior

  • No glass containers of any kind are allowed anywhere on the concrete pool deck

  • Members (and their guests) are expected to clean up after themselves and dispose of all garbage before leaving

  • Grills are available on a first come, first serve basis

  • Access to the snack shack is restricted to staff and to members with express permission from staff

  • No gum chewing allowed in pool enclosure

Inclement Weather

  • The pool will be closed based on the following criteria:

    • THUNDER:  30 minutes following thunder

    • LIGHTNING:  Guards will monitor a specific and consistent weather app (currently WeatherBug) to track storms and the pool will remain closed until there are no lightning strikes reported within 15 miles

    • HEAVY RAIN:  the pool will be closed during periods of heavy rain when the bottom of the pool is not clearly visible

  • Members and guests will need to leave the property at the discretion of the Pool Manager or Board Vice President.

  • NSC will make best effort to post on the Nottingham Facebook page when weather causes:

    • A delay in pool opening

    • An early pool closure for the remainder of the day

    • A cancellation of pool operating hours for the full day



  • Guest must be with a pool member & register with the guards as a guest, providing their first and last name (guests must leave the pool grounds when the sponsoring member leaves and check out with the guard accordingly)

  • Guest passes can purchased in advance for $5 each through the member’s NSC account online 

  • A guest pass will be charged to a member’s account for each guest present

  • Members shall be responsible for the conduct of their guests

  • More than 10 guests attending at one time require booking a party rental in advance (due to COVID-19, rentals will not be permitted until further notice)

  • A guest may attend no more than 10 times per season

Parties/Pavilion Rentals

  • Parties and pavilion rentals are scheduled on a first come, first serve basis, and are not final until approval is provided by the Pool Manager and Social Chair

    • 2021: For the start of the season, parties are not allowed but are being evaluated for later in the season; inquiries for potential summer party rentals can be sent to 

  • All parties/pavilion rentals are required to be requested at least 11 days in advance, with signed contract and payment due at least 8 days in advance (the advance notice is required for staffing operations) 

  • Reservations can be made only by members who have been bondholders for at least one month

  • When making a reservation, the following must be received (at least 8 days in advance):

    • Signed reservation contract

    • Reservation fee payment

    • Guest list (including the ages of all attendees under the age of 18)

    • NOTE: If any of the above is not received, the reservation may not be accepted

  • If you are planning to bring more than 10 guests, you must request a party at least 10 days in advance, with payment and signed contract due  days in advance. Rentals are based on the number of guests/participants regardless of whether they are non-members or members.

  • An adult member must sponsor any reservations and be in attendance during the entire reservation

  • The member requesting the reservation is responsible for:

    • Providing in advance a list of all planned guests, including ages for all attendees under the age of 18

    • The set-up of their event (pool staff will make sure that tables are in their assigned positions for events)

    • The disposal of all trash in the proper receptacles

    • Prior to party, receiving permission from and coordinating with the pool manager if a party wishes to provide music entertainment

      • This permission will be granted at the pool manager’s discretion. 

      • If music is approved, it is the reserving member’s responsibility to ensure that it is played at a reasonable level and is in compliance with City of Newark noise ordinances. 

    • Removing and disposing of all decorations at the conclusion of the event

    • Ensuring that guest behavior complies with pool rules and decorum

  • The reservation sponsor is responsible for the behavior of guests and any damages and/or expenses caused by their guests (member and non-member) while on Nottingham Swim Club property

  • Cancellations can be made up to 72 hours in advance of the scheduled event

  • Events are assigned to rented area(s) paid for, and include use of the main and baby pools

  • Multiple parties may be scheduled on the same day at the same time in different locations

  • The reservation sponsor is responsible for their own food, including keeping it cold – refrigerator/freezer in the snack shack are not for member use and are not included as part of a reservation


2021 NSC COVID-19 Operating Protocols


Pool Members

  • Prior to coming to the pool members should review signs and symptoms of COVID-19. Members may not enter the pool facility if they are experiencing symptoms, have tested positive or if they have been in close contact recently with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

  • Members will follow CDC guidelines for vaccinated and unvaccinated persons

  • All members and guests are encouraged to wash hands often (with soap and water for at least 20 seconds) and cover their coughs or sneezes. Hand sanitizers (containing at least 60% alcohol) will be available for all members and guests. 

  • All members who are not part of the same household are encouraged to remain at least 3 feet apart to the greatest extent possible and are encouraged to maintain greater physical distance whenever possible.

  • All members are responsible for following pool rules. Adult members are expected to supervise children 12 and under.


Hands-Free Cloth Face Coverings/Masks & Social Distancing

  • In order to keep all staff and swimmers safe, a hands-free mask and 3 feet social distance will be required by all members (kindergarten age & older, regardless of vaccination status) in the following areas:

    • Pool Entrance/Breezeway

    • Checking in with guards & guard table

    • Bath Houses/Restrooms

    • Snack Bar line

    • Food Truck line

  • Children age 2 through pre-K are strongly encouraged to wear face coverings; any child under the age of 2 must not wear a face covering.

  • Per CDC’s Your Guide to Masks, choose a mask that completely covers your nose and mouth and fits snugly against the sides of your face

  • All unvaccinated members, kindergarten age and older, need to follow the CDC’s Guidance for Unvaccinated People found at

    • Wear a mask that covers mouth and nose

    • Stay 6’ apart from others who don’t live within their household

    • Get a COVID-19 vaccine when it is available

    • Avoid crowds and poorly ventilated indoor spaces

    • Wash hands often with soap and water, use hand sanitizer if soap and water aren’t available

Aquatic Classes & Swim Lessons 

  • Classes will resume 

  • See website for more details


Delaware State Regulations

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